This book is a negative alternative to the positive orientation of popular psychology and current therapeutic culture. Unlike them, it is not striving to save anyone or improve anything. It is aimed at those to whom the positive approach feels dishonest and irrelevant. It offers in three main chapters a ‘depressive realist’ perspective that explores the structural role of death, negativity and tragedy in relation to the individual psyche, society, and nature. It explores the possibility of negative psychoanalysis, which would embrace the disaster of human existence instead of adopting positive escapist positions.
in 2024, the book Negative Psychoanalysis for the Living Dead was recognized as one of the 20 best books in the field of psychoanalysis.
'It has swiftly become a subject of widespread discussion and interest, capturing the attention of many. This book diverges from traditional norms in several key aspects. It is explicitly stated as not being “recommended for anyone. In her interviews, Reshe cautions that readers might regret engaging with its contents. However, the experience of reading it often proves to be the opposite – akin to finding a friend who is willing to listen patiently to one's deepest grief and darkest musings. The book's defining characteristic is its refusal to offer salvation or aspire to clarify or improve anything. Reshe posits that proposing salvation or improvement inherently involves a denial of life's darker aspects. The book appears to assume the role of a listener rather than that of a speaker, creating a space of understanding rather than providing guidance'
Interviews from 'Negative Psychoanalysis'
Interviews from 'Negative Psychoanalysis'

The Death Drive, Politics, and Love: a conversation between Todd McGowan and Julie Reshe

Destructive plasticity, War, and Anarchism: a conversation between Catherine Malabou and Julie Reshe